The college library has a varied collection of fiction, nonfiction, reference books, magazines, encyclopedias, and journals. The library has a collection of more than 3500 books and subscribes to 22 periodicals. It has computerized its operations and services with library management software. The library offers an online public access catalog (OPAC), a computerized catalog which helps in quick means of issuing the books. The library is well organized with a wide range of books catering to the need of students and teachers.
Library Rules
The Library Advisory committee consists of the Principal,HODs, staff and student representatives to advise the librarian on all matters relating to the library.
- 1. Working hours: 08.30 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. (Monday to Saturday)
- 2. All students of the college are members of the library.
- 3. They are entitled to borrow books on production of borrower’s cards which can be collected from the college Library.
- 4. Loss of cards must be reported immediately to the college Librarian. Duplicate borrower`s card will be issued after a specific period at the discretion of the Librarian. A fine of Rs.10/- will be levied for each card loss.
- 5. Books shall be issued/ or returned to the library with the time period and in the manner notified by the library from time to time.
- 6. No member shall keep a book for more than a fortnight. A book may be re-issued to the same student if there is no other applicant for it.
- 7. Absence from the college will not be considered as an excuse for delay in returning books.
- 8. The Librarian may recall a book at any time even when the normal period of loan is not over
- 9. Members shall not sub lend the books issued to them.
- 10. On no account shall a member disfigure a library book.When a member receives a book from the library, he/she must confirm that the book is in sound condition. If it is not, the matter should be brought to the notice of the librarian, failing which the member shall be liable to replace the book with a new copy.
- 11. Members shall replace a book lost or pay its price fixed by the Principal.
- 12. If the date on which a book is due to be returned falls on a holiday, it shall be returned the next working day
- 13. All members of the teaching staff of the college are members of the library. A member of the staff may borrow upto seven/ten books at a time. The rule of returning books in a fortnight does not ordinarily apply to them in the matter of subject books. But in the case of general books and books on other subjects, they shall not keep a book for more than a fortnight. A member of Non-Teaching Staff may borrow two books at a time. They shall not keep a book for more than a fortnight.
- 14. A fine of Re.1/- per day will be levied on the book if detained beyond a fortnight.
- 15. Books are to be used with maximum care and there should be no damage or disfigurement. Writing with pen or pencil anywhere in the book is strictly prohibited. If found it will be charged
Library Section
- Circulation
- Periodical section
- Stack
- Reference section
- Career corner
- Digital library
Working Hours
- 08.30 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. (Monday to Saturday)
Application Form
Question Paper
New Arrivals



E.P Sreejila
Library Assistant
Library Services
- Lending of Books
- Open access
- Digital Library
- Reprographic Services